I recently got home from my first surgery experience ever! I had to go in on early Wednesday morning for pre-operation testing and then received the surgery Wednesday afternoon which took only about 45 minutes. I was numbed from the hips down, so that was interesting! I was pretty awake for the whole thing too. I thought that the anesthesia hadn't kicked in yet when they started moving around my leg, which I couldn't see because there was a sheet covering it. I told the doctor, um I still have some sensation....and he proceeded to tell me that they were already inside of me going to work! Three of my teammates came to see me before and after the surgery which was really nice of them. I had to stay the night there one night so that the nurses could look after me and all that good stuff :) Turns out that my posterior/external meniscus was torn, so that was removed. It also turned out that my cartilage is still injured so he had to do a mini version of micro-fracture surgery. That involved drilling small holes into the bone, causing it to bleed which is supposed to encourage cartilage growth. As I am writing this, the man who performed the surgery just called me, to make sure I was okay and to see if I had any questions, so that was nice! I have also got a few calls from my little girls team's parents. I won't be able to coach them for a while in practice, although I am going to coach them in the this coming game on Saturday. I will be out longer than I expected, as I cannot even walk or put any pressure on my right leg for 3-4 weeks. I hope the time flies! I do have purple crutches though :) My team won our last game against Salamanca, the second ranked team in out league. Now we play the 3rd ranked team in our league on Sunday in Aviles. I am excited and hope that we win! Weather has been pretty nice here, sunny, but a little on the chilly side. No snow yet though! My roommate from college, Meredith, will be here on February 19th, and then my sister and 3 of her friends on the 22nd of February. I am pretty excited! The picture is of me and my team Lara after coming back from the hospital! Thanks for the sweater mom! :)
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