It has been a while since I updated my blog, so I apologize to those who actually read this---mom, dad. We won our game on October 23rd, and did not have a game this past weekend. I played for about 10 minutes in the game, and my knee felt okay, but not great. Later that night and the next day it got pretty swollen and was hurting me so they set me up with another doctors appointment. Basically to make a long story short, I saw a few doctors and was finally able to get an MRI this evening. I have not ran or played since October 23rd, so it has been rough for me doing nothing! I have started to bike a little during physical therapy, and am developing a good relationship with my physical therapist so that is good. Anyways, tonight, the doctor told me I would have to wait for a while to get an MRI, and I asked if I could have it any sooner. He ended up calling downstairs to the technician and I was able to go down and get one right away. The doctor was waiting for me and was already looking at the images on the computer as I was coming out of the room. Might I mention, it is NOT fun to have an itch on your leg when you cannot move it or get to it for 25 minutes!!! Anyways, both him and I looked at the images together on the computer and he showed me how my ligaments were fine and that my meniscus seemed to be fine as well. I am going back on Monday to get my copy of the photos after they process and print them. There was some white area in my bone, and he said I have a bone bruise, and swelling within the joint which has been causing the pain. He said I can start tomorrow working my way back to playing at full speed so I am excited about that, but hoping it won't be too painful!

Despite not being able to play, I have been continuing to coach my kids. I snapped a picture of them the other day at practice which you can see on here. Today there was a film crew I think from the news station that was there filming all the practices going on in the gym(there are 3 courts with three different practices going on at a time). My kids were on their best behavior and trying really hard, so that made it easy for me! We have our first game coming up on November 14th so I am excited for that, they have been getting better and better each day.

November 1st marked my 2nd month living here, I can't believe how fast time is flying! I am still enjoying the people around me, as well the city! Even though I have been here for over two months now I have not done tooooo much touristy stuff, but this past weekend I was able to. My teammate Tina had 5 of her friends up from Ciudad Real which is just south of Madrid. They had never been to Oviedo, so we all did some things to explore this area together. On Saturday we went up to a restaurant called Buenos Aires for lunch. The restaurant over looks the whole city, this was the view from right outside the restaurant, and maybe my favorite picture since I have been here! The mountains in the back are part of the Picos de Asturias.

After we had a delicious meal consisting of a bunch of different types of meat, cheese, cerveza, cheesecake, and chocolate mousse we made our way up a little farther on the mountain to El Cristo statue, or the statue of Christ. This statue that you can see behind us stays lit 365 days of the year. Anywhere you are in Oviedo you can always see it atop the mountain! If you can't tell by how we are dressed, it is definitely getting chillier! This coming Saturday we have a home game against Gijon, who is our Derby game. Here, a derby means rivals. From what I have heard we have a better team, but it will still be a tough match. I don't know if I will be playing in this game, but we will see how my knee feels tomorrow after some practicing. It is midnight over here so I am heading to bed!
Thanks for the update, finally! Keep them coming!