Yesterday was a big day for me! It was my kids first game at 9:30am, and my first game as a head coach. We ended up losing 41-38! My team played so good though. The other team had this little girl who was tiny, and she scored 18 points and stole the ball from my girls like 15 times! She was a problem, that is a lot for an 11 year old! Here, there are six, 8 minute quarters, and you are not allowed to sub during the quarters. I suppose it is a good system, but I have 14 girls on my team and another rule is that only 12 can play! I have to choose 2 girls who won't play each game :(. Anyways about 4 of my girls were crying after the game, they were really angry at the one referee we had. They all had scratches up and down their arms, and were angry that there weren't more "faltas" called. In my Spanglish I explained that we can't blame loses on the refs, and it was only our first game so we needed to stay positive! We will play again next Saturday.

The picture to the left is some of my kids at practice in the gym that we practice and play our home games in. It is really one big court where Feve Oviedo plays(the men's team in the Silver Division) but they can divide it into 3 horizontal courts. After my kids game I had a few hours to relax and have lunch, then my team left for Leon at 2pm. Before we left the boss guy of our team was waiting at the bus with some medicine for me. It was some type of a dissoluble tablet for pain. Not quite sure what

it was, but he told me to go down the street to the bar to take it. When I got there, there was a bottle of water and a glass waiting for me haha. Anyways, it was about an hour and a half drive, and we played our game at 5pm. This was the first game that we received a scouting report for. I guess we only get those for the good games. This was definitely the best team we have played yet, but we ended up winning 63-49. We are now 6-0 :) Unfortunately one of our starting guards, Tina, injured her calf in the 1st 20 seconds of the game. We are all hoping that she didn't tear anything, and that she will recover quickly!On another note, our home gym that we practice and play in was shut down last week for renovations. The picture to the right is a picture taken from the stands of the old gym. Almost every gym in Spain that I have seen is like this. The stands or bleachers are raised up over the court, and are only on one side. There is a separate entrance to the stands from the gym. We are now practicing in a gym in San Claudia which is a small town like 15 minutes away. We will be playing the rest of our home games there until Christmas, which is only two home games. I recently bought my plane ticket to Mexico so I will be spending Christmas with my family and my aunts family in Puerto Escondido! I can't wait :) Today is our day off so I will just be relaxing all day and resting my knee which is a little sore from the game yesterday!
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