Well the last time I wrote on my blog was right before our game on Saturday. I warmed up with the team and my ankle felt good so my coach played me for the 2nd quarter, and then put me in at the beginning of the 4th quarter. We ended up winning the game 102-39! I have never scored 100 points in a game so I was excited about that. Here in Spain it is a tradition that the person who scores the 100th point has to bake a cake for the team. Yesterday at practice Patricia shared a tarta de queso(cheesecake) with us. It was our first home game, so I am sure we impressed a lot of people. A few of my girls that I coach came to the game so I got to talk with them a little after we got done playing. Unfourtunately, during the beginning 4th quarter I went up for a layup and made an awkward movement, tweaking my right knee. I was out for the rest of the game and I have not been able to practice since then. We had some team pictures earlier this week which you can see now.

We head to Santander for a game today which is about 3 and a half hours east of us, right on the northern coast. One of my teammates, Tina, is from Santander so a lot of her friends and family will be able to see us play. Unfortunately this will be the first game that I have missed in 5 years(since my Junior year in high school) due to an injury =(. I saw a doctor on Wednesday evening, and he said it definitely was not the ligament which is good news, but possibly the meniscus. I have another appointment on this coming Tuesday to see if the swelling has gone down.
On another note, I have started my Spanish class which I am enjoying. Almost everyone in my class is American on some sort of exchange program through their college, which I actually don't like because they all speak English! I have found, that the longer I am here, the worse my English gets! I guess that is a good thing, meaning my Spanish is getting better, but I still have a longggg way to go.
The weather here has been overcast and cloudy, with a few sunny days. I still have practice with my little kids on Monday's, Tuesday's, and Thursday's and I have been enjoying that for the most part. We should be starting up our games soon which will be once a week. I have a total of 12 girls right now, and they are all comfortable with each other now so sometimes they are out of control! Well I am off to have some lunch and get ready for this road trip, hopefully we will get our third win of the season!
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